Athletes and their families are cordially invited to the
2021 Awards Banquet
Tuesday, June 8th at 5:30 pm
Glenkirk Church (Outdoor Event)
1700 Palopinto Avenue, Glendora
Athletes & Guests are FREE!
Awards and Presentations
Registration deadline: Friday, June 4th
Click on the link to complete registration:
Online Registration must be completed by Friday, June 4th to be permitted into the banquet. Our banquet is limited to less than 300 guests and will be added as follows:
Athletes are limited to 2 guests only
WAITLIST - If you would like more than two guests you can be added to our waitlist. Waitlist will be added in the order in which received until we reach our 300 limit. (Waitlist guests will be notified after 6/5 if you are added to our list.)
Must complete online registration form for guests request .
Athletes/Guests will not be admitted if they are not on our list
Guests will bring their own chairs and sit in a family unit more than 6 feet apart from other guests and must wear a mask.
Athletes will be called up to receive their certificate/award. When they are called up we will have a mark where they can stand after receiving their award. Marks will be 6 feet apart and students will be required to wear a mask. Coaches will be wearing a mask when presenting awards.
