Saturday, October 23rd @ Mt. San Antonio College
1100 N Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789
TIME: 7:30 am - 11:00 am
TRANSPORTATION: Bus Transportation - Meet at GHS Circle Drive @ 5:40 am.
PARKING: ALL vehicles will be charged a parking fee (fee unknown). Vehicle parking will take place in LOT F on the NORTH side of TEMPLE Blvd.- Click here for info.
SPECTATORS: $ per person (there is a fee, but it is unknown so be prepared to pay to enter)
T-SHIRTS: Bring $20-$40 if you'd like to buy a t-shirt
FOOD: Snack Bar/Food Trucks Available
MEET SNACKS: Click here to bring Meet Snacks
We will be running Division 1. Athletes will be informed what level they will compete. Click for meet schedule:
Race #51 Boys Fosh @ 7:30 am
Race #54 Boys Soph @ 8:07 am
Race # 57 JV Boys Sweeps @ 8:45 am
Race #59 Boys Individual @ 9:09 am
Race #64 Girls Varsity @ 10:21 am
Race #66 Girls JV Open @ 10:44 am
COURSE MAP: Click here for Course Map.
Stadium Entrance: All participants and spectators will enter the stadium via the pedestrian access tunnel at the EAST end of LOT F. Pedestrian or vehicle access will not be allowed SOUTH of Temple Blvd via ‘Bonita’.
Construction: Our stadium and any construction that made parts of our XC course or warmup fields inaccessible the last four years has all been completed. We are still working on our Conference Center, Gymnasium and aquatics center so you will see some of that going on. Please remind your students that all construction areas are off limits.
Admission: Spectators will be able to purchase tickets at the ticket windows located at the tunnel exit point. Cash and credit cards are accepted. No personal checks. Teams will be admitted after the coach has picked up their team packet. There will be race bibs in the team packet that will serve as the athletes entrance ticket. Each team packet will have a set amount of admission tickets for your staff. Note please that there is a limit to these passes based upon your team size.
Entrance: Coaches and teams will enter at the EAST gates of our box office. Spectators, friends and parents will enter the facility at the WEST gates of our box office. There will be signs clearly making the two gates. Once inside the stadium please follow the signage directing you to team camp areas, warm-up field, restrooms and the clerk of the course.
Restrooms: We will have more stadium restrooms available for your use this year thanks to our new construction. We will also have an ample supply of porta pots available for your use as well. We want to strongly suggest that you share two things with your team:
If time and opportunity allow, make every attempt to use the stadium restrooms even it means a bit of a walk. Try to leave the rental units for those who may be racing soon and in need of a close or quick opportunity.
Bring your own toilet paper for team use in the porta pots. The reason is that users of porta pots take toilet paper rolls and give them or ‘save’ them for their teammates. It is a phenomenon of porta pot use if people are going to be in a location for an extended period of time it seems. Despite our best efforts we cannot keep up with the demand for TP in our porta pots. Make toilet paper a part of your team camp preparation supplies
Warm-up Area: We have brand new 353 meter, oval practice track located where our ‘lower grass field’ was prior to construction. It is four lanes wide, and has a six lane 110 meter straight away attached on the east side. Inside of the oval is an artificial turf football field. All of this will be open for athlete warm-up. We are also going to set aside a portion of the ground floor parking structure for warm up. This parking structure is directly WEST of the track stadium.
Team Camp Area: Teams may set up camps on the grass field directly SOUTH of the competition track and on the ground floor of the parking structure directly WEST of the track stadium. NOTE PLEASE: No team camps will be allowed on the practice track facility, in the stadium bleachers or on the top floor of the parking structure. (That area is still being used as a construction storage area at this time.)
Clerk of the Course: The clerk will be located in the NORTH/WEST corner of the practice track. Athletes will go from the clerk directly to the starting line. The gate they use to move to the start line will not be open for any other coaches or fans. No one other than athletes preparing to run will be allowed to use this gate.
Coach / Spectator Course Access: We will be returning to our previous course access protocols that were in place prior to construction. The asphalt road area from the Gauntlet entrance to the beginning of valley loop is still off limits. The Gauntlet and Guard Alley is still off limits to coaches and spectators as in years past.
Safety Gate: The Safety Gate policy will be enforced again. The times that we use as cut off marks are very generous. If a runner lacks the fitness to clear the halfway point of our course by this time of the season we have to assume they lack the fitness necessary to safely compete in our ‘invitational.’ Sometimes illness or injury hampers a runner’s ability to compete at their normal proficiency. We understand this situation but feel strongly that a runner in that situation should not be competing under those circumstances. Our charting and history shows that runners who struggle in the first half of the race are usually the ones who struggle, collapse and can require emergency medical attention in the back half. Our goal is the safety of all runners. We care about every runner and this policy has greatly decreased our severe medical issues on race day. There is no other agenda on our part other than the safety of our participants.
Cut Off Times
Varsity boys 12:30
Non Varsity boys 13:00
Varsity girls 13:50
Non Varsity girls 14:00
Finish Line: Thanks to GPS and topographic mapping, our finish line is in the exact same position as it was prior to construction. The area from the Gauntlet to the finish line will be fenced off and is off limits to all but competitors and meet staff.
Timing: Timing will be provided by the amazing team at Finished Results.
Awards: The awards area will be located next to the scoreboard. (South of the competition track)
Results: Result will be posted on line immediately after the race at and at A hard copy will be posted as well.
Souvenirs: The souvenirs area will be located directly beneath the scoreboard. (South of the competition track)
For Parents:
Pets: Our XC course is a college athletic facility located on the Mt. San Antonio College campus. As such, pets or animals of any kind are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring your animals with you. They will not be allowed in.
Team Location: We won't know where our team camp will be until we get here. Please do not ask the Mt. Sac Staff. They will not know. A Remind text will be sent out. Runners can also text parents of location, once established.
