November 16th-20th
3:00 PM -5:15 PM
Location: Goddard Middle School Track (Subject to Change)
Please park and get dropped off at the parking lot near the baseball fields.
Click here to complete an athlete survey.
Click here for the COVID-19 Symptom Check
Preseason Training: Are you interested in getting in shape for tryouts? Come to our preseason practice starting Monday, November 2nd from 3:00-5:15 PM. Meet at the Goddard Middle School Track. Click here to view the Player Return to Play Presentation to learn of GHS's plan for Fall Sports.
Official start to the season is the last week of December (Boys 12/21 & Girls 12/28) with preseason meets starting in January.
GHS XC Athletic Clearance
Athletes must get their Athletic Clearance prior to their first practice! Athletes cannot come out and participate until they are cleared!
You must be Cleared for EACH sport, being cleared for one does not mean you are cleared for others.
Turn in signed Confirmation Letter and hard copy of Physical to the Athletics Office. Only one copy of physical is needed, but you NEED the Confirmation Letter for EACH sport.
See the attached document for step by step directions.
Physical Examination: All athletes are required to have a sports physical done by a licensed physician.
a) Turn in the physical form to the Athletics Office, download this form when you register.
b) Physicals are only good for one year but must be on the form provided.
3) Medical Insurance: Must Provide proof of insurance (done when you register)
4) Enrolled in and pass at least 4 classes, maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA (8th GRADE COUNTS). Students who pass at least 4 classes, but have less than a 2.0 GPA WILL BE PLACED on Academic Probation.
5) Meet CIF Residency and academic requirements.
6) Physical form and sign confirmation letter - Due date for Fall Sports in November 2nd and can be turned in: in Administration Office or Athletics Office from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. A physical in NOT necessary for summer camps and summer teams, but registration and proof of insurance are.
This year, athletes must also complete the COVID 19 Waiver prior to practice. Click here to view, print & sign the waiver.
Click here to view COVID Return to Play
