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2021 XC Season & Schedule

Writer: Glendora Track & Cross CountryGlendora Track & Cross Country

Here are a few tips to help you find the most current information about our season. Please subscribe to our website & calendar, join our Remind, and follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) for updates and photos. Our practices, meets and other fun events will be posted via these resources.


To join Remind text the following to the number 81010:

@gxcathlete - XC Athlete

@gxcparent1 - XC Parent

If you would like updates and info about track please also add:

@gtfathlete - Track & Field Athlete

@gtfparent1 - Track & Field Parent


Thank you to those of you who made our XC Parent Meeting last Wednesday, September 1st.. If you missed the meeting please visit our presentation link to find important info.


Click to view our schedule:


Want to have our practices, practice locations & events automatically added to your calendar? Click on the link to subscribe to our Google Calendar! It will add the events to your phone or laptop when you subscribe.

Directions for subscribing on an iPhone: Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > Add Account > Other > Add Subscribed Calendar > Server: Paste the link below:

XC UPCOMING MEETS Our next meet is 9/18 at the Woodbridge Invitational. Please visit our website for for more info on meets. Go to

We will also have an optional travel meet to Clovis, California 10/8-10/10. We have arranged a block of rooms for the weekend of October 8th-10th.

  • Block of rooms reserved at La Quinta Inn Clovis

  • Mention Glendora Cross Country for discounted rate of $155 King Room or $165 Double Bed Room

  • 1508 Clovis Ave, Clovis, California 93612

  • (559) 291-9000

PICTURE DAY - Wednesday, September 15, 2021 @ 3:30 pm

Location: Glendora High School Track (Subject to Change)

DoN't FoRgEt to BRinG YoUR UNifoRm- Yary Photography will be taking a team picture. Wear your white singlet & red shorts. Order forms will be sent home with the athletes on Tuesday. Please make sure you have your order form with payment if you'd like additional pictures.

Order Instructions:

1) Fill out ALL your order information on envelope (these will be passed out to athletes at practice on 4/5).

2) Select your order Option

  • #1 Single Individual Pose Option - FREE

  • #2 Multi Individual Pose Option - $5

  • #3 Buddy Image - $5

  • #4 Group Image Only - FREE

3) Insert Cash payment if applicable. NO CHANGE IS PROVIDED.

4) Bring your envelope filled out, with EXACT PAYMENT enclosed and hand to the photographer on picture day.

5) All group and individual images will be available online after photo day. An email and/or text will be sent to the contact information you provided on envelop.

Go to and click on Online Orders at the top to view photos after photo day. Search for "Glendora" then choose Glendora Cross Country, An email and/or text will be sent to the contact information you provide to access the photos.

For Questions or concerns contact Yary: 1.800.874.9200


If you’d like to volunteer and join our Booster Club, please join us for our next Booster Meeting on Friday, September 10th @ 6:30 pm at Wendy Cadima’s House:

543 Willowgrove Avenue, CA 91741. It's a Potluck, so bring a dish.

XC MEET SNACKS We would like to provide our athletes with healthy snacks for before and after their race. Please consider signing up for a healthy snack to bring. Our team will be providing Gatorade and water for athletes to refill their Hydro Flask. Click on the link below to volunteer to bring an item:

SPAGHETTI DINNER VOLUNTEERS We are asking for volunteers to help or cook, setup and cleanup at our upcoming Spaghetti Dinners. Volunteers are asked to cook meatballs or pasta. Click on the link learn more and to volunteer:


Every year we celebrate our seniors! If you'd like to join our senior parent committee, please email Kady Kloster at to see where you can help.



© 2018 by Glendora Track & Cross Country  Proudly created with

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